The beginning. Whatever you call it, it is still just the starting point of a journey. Some of those journeys are in the form of films, books, or dreams--but they all have to start somewhere.
So here is where mine starts. Yours, too, if you want to come along.
I've done a lot of reading about blogging over the last few years, even seen some movies and TV shows get made based solely on the blog of a normal individual with good ideas. Some of my favorite writers have blogs where they share insight, tips, or anecdotes that make the process a little more bearable to us unaccomplished hordes trying to get out name out there. Many of them suggest blogging as not only a writing exercise, but as a way to get out writing in the public eye. I doubt that many publishers cruise the Internet looking for good writing in random blogs, but stranger things have happened.
I recently read an article on the importance of blogging for writers, but was a little upset that the piece omitted one very important detail: where to blog! The author went on and on about developing a relationship with an audience and making yourself available to the public, but said nothing of where to actually do these things. So I went on an exhaustive search through countless writer websites and into the vortex that is the blogosphere, only to discover that most of the information out there on blogging is A) a list of reasons why you should, and B) a list of blogs you should be reading. So finally I decided to cheat. I found the blog of a writer and followed it backwards to the general domain name and, presto, I have my own blog, though it is on one of the most popular sites. So I'm just a bit of plankton in the great sea of people who know more than me and get paid better, but at least I'm here--which is where I've been told to start.
So what am I going to be doing here? Well, I'll be doing some griping, complaining, moaning, and bitching. In between all of that I'll be updating how my novels, screenplays, short stories, etc. are coming along (which will include most, if not all, of the aforementioned). I'll also be reviewing books I've read and movies or TV shows I've seen. Also, some general observances that might make you laugh or roll your eyes, but will let you learn a little more about me and how things are going in the real world.
So spread the word. Tell your friends. Who knows, they may just make a movie about this one day . . . and I'll demand a "Screenplay By" credit!!
arrested development is the best show to ever be cancelled. fox execs should be imprisoned for this travesty.